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Public Water Infrastructure

Improved water supply, sanitation, and better management of water resources can boost economic growth and development. Understanding that water can be an economic driver, the EDA has partnered with the Doddridge County Public Service District to expand water infrastructure throughout the county. Prior to 2016, less than 20% of Doddridge County had access to public water. There is a growing need in Doddridge County for public water, both industrially and domestically, and this need will continue to grow in the future.


In 2016, through funding provided by the Doddridge County Commission, E.L. Robinson Engineering completed a county-wide water study and developed a master plan to provide water service to unserved communities in Doddridge County. 


The completed study divides the county into 27 project areas. Each project area has customer density, census tract information, and potential funding sources identified. This allows the DCPSD to apply for applicable funding for different projects as that funding becomes available.


The three highest-priority waterline extension project areas have been identified as the Route 18-Snowbird Road area, Route 23-Big Flint area, and the Oxford-Sunnyside area. E.L. Robinson was selected as the engineering firm to oversee all waterline extension projects in the three priority areas.


In 2018 the Doddridge County Public Service District completed its first water line extension project. With a $280,000 WV IJDC grant, a $210,000 contribution from the Doddridge County Commission and a $360,000 WV IJDC loan, this project serves 15 households, the Doddridge County Park and two commercial sites.


With an approved Department of Commerce EDA grant in the amount of $962,000 and a match of $962,000 from the Doddridge County Commission, this project will serve approximately 30 customers, including two commercial sites. It will connect to the Snowbird Road waterline and run southeast to Eibs Camp and northwest to U.S. Route 50. Construction should be completed by July 2022. 

Currently there are two fully-funded waterline extension projects underway:


With an approved EDA grant of $2,600,000 and a Doddridge County Commission contribution of $658,000, this project will serve between 40 and 50 residential customers and two businesses. This extension will serve customers on a portion of Sunnyside Rd, Leeson Run, a portion of Cabin Run and Wilhelm Rd.



With a $4,100,000 contribution from the Doddridge County Commission, this project will serve approximately 90 customers on portions of Tarkiln Rd., Rt. 23, Buckeye Run Rd., Big Flint Rd., Coal Run Rd., and Wisemans Run. 

Board Members

Clarence "Herk" Conner

Jennifer Wilt

James Lowell McAfee

Quality Water Services (Weston. WV)- Compliance

Cathy Trent - Secretary

© 2025 by Doddridge County EDA

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